Before booking you must read and accept the rules, regulations, assumption of risk, waiver and realease of liability for Palomino Ranch & Tours. Before doing the tour, you must sign manually or online this documentation.
– The Tour will be guided in a controlled environment for safety of our riders.
– It is PROHIBITED to gallop or canter on any of our horses.
– By Florida Statue, chapter 773; a child who is younger than 16 years of age MUST wear a helmet.
– The law does NOT require 16 years of age and up to wear a helmet, however Palomino Ranch & Tours LLC and the Historic Virginia Key Beach Park recommends that all riders wear a helmet at all times of the tour.
– Palomino Ranch & Tours LLC will not be liable for any lost or damaged items during the tour.
– Weight Restriction: 250LBS
– NO sandals or flip flops
– All guests MUST arrive 30 minutes prior to their tour time.
– Each rider MUST sign the Liability and Rules and Regulations form before beginning their tour.
– It is prohibited for the riders to go behind any of our horses’ hind limbs/back legs.
– Each ride will only follow the agreed upon path and will not go into sensitive vegitation in the park.
– Tour guides and guest riders will be respectful of any park visitors and will not ride where beach goers are congregated on the shore or within the park.
– Please refrain from running around any of our horses; horses can be easily startled and may cause injury to themselves and/or others.
I [Your Name] (hereafter, the “Participant” , which term includes the Particpant’s parent or legally- appointed Guardian, if a minor), freely and voluntarily seek to participate in any or all programs, events and/or activities sanctioned, produced or sponsored by City of Miami Tourism. To include activities, programs and events will hereafter be referred to as the “Activites,” and Historic Virginia Key Beach Park and Palomino Ranch & Tours LLC, together with its sponsors, managers, property owners, officials, organizers and affiliates and their respective directors, officers, members, employees, agents, volunteers, representatives, and designated officials will collectively be referred to as “Event Sponsor.” In consideration of the Event Sponsor allowing Participants in the activities, now and in the future. Participant agrees to the following:
4. This document is intended to be as broad and inclusive as applicable state law permits. If any clause conflicts with applicable laws, only that clause will be void but the remainder shall stay in full force and effect.